Bramley Wilkins

Bramley loved rolling around in the sunshine, small foil balls, an evening lap, tuna and burying herself under a blanket when it was cold. She was that special mix of gentle, friendly and playful – she loved a tummy rub and never scratched. Thank you for a joy filled 8 years Brammers, we miss you.

Rachel, Chris, Frank & Jesse xxx

Frankie Robinson

Frankie was my little companion and much loved friend for 16 years and I so miss her. She knew when I was sad or unwell and our cuddles were the best. She was a pretty silent cat who squeeked rather than miaowed. As a kitten she jumped out of my bedroom window much to the surprise and shock of the decorators who were in the room! She was unhurt. She will be forever missed.

Alison Robinson

Baby (Babs) Varney

Baby (Babs), Being the smallest of the litter didn’t hold you back, you were so full of character. You loved winding the dog up and bopping him on the nose! You loved keeping Mum and Dad awake at night by chasing your brother up and down the hallway or by scratching at their bedroom door. You and Gus loved climbing up the net curtains and having to be peeled off. There was never a dull day with you around!

Always in our hearts sweetheart x x

Candy Hughes

You were taken a day after your 1st birthday to be with the angels over the rainbow bridge.

Our family circle will always have a hole in it now as our four fluffs become three.

You will always play your part in making us smile and laugh and our love for you will never fade.

Never stop talking little girl.

Love always Jo Oli Sparky Coal and Floss xxxxx

Rosie Rudge

This is Rosie our much loved little girl

A sweet gentle shy girl who never scratched or hissed
Adopted from a rescue centre and slowly learned to trust us.
We were lucky to have her in our lives for 10 years

Carole Rudge