Bono Gray

We are so proud of you beautiful boy Bono and love you as we have always loved you. We are so grateful for all your love, friendship and joy that you gave us. We miss you so much gentle boy and pray that you are resting in loving peace with an endless supply of tennis balls to chase. Warm hugs, love and kisses to our gorgeous boy who lived to 16 years of age. 🐾🤗❤️🦴xxx

Sandra Gray

Pepper Wilkins

Pepper was a tiny dog with a massive personality. She had lots of cute quirks like singing along with opera music and the funniest walk.She loved a cuddle and a fuss and would always gravitate to anyone sat on the sofa and in her later days needed help jumping up she was so small.We miss her terribly, our little squeaky lap dog Pepper.Dawn, Matt, Della and Indina xx